The European Night of Museums is organized by the Ministry of Culture. This event takes place every year on a Saturday in May, at the same time as “International Museum Day”. For one night, between sunset and 1 a.m., the public is invited to discover free of charge, in an unusual, festive and fun way, the riches of the museums of France, as well as those of around thirty countries. 'Europe.
The mission was to create the visual identity of the event and its deployment.
The mission was to create the visual identity of the event and its deployment.
La Nuit Européenne des Musées
HND Fictive Project
HND Fictive Project

Each spectator, during this night, will create an itinerary with each museum they wish to visit, that is why I worked on the notion of a route. In general, the constellations allow people to orient themselves (Shepherd's star).
I therefore chose to start from the star to represent the idea of a journey in the context of museum night. It was starting from this shape that I experimented and created a vocabulary of shapes.

The poster is constructed in such a way as to place the visual before the text so that the identity is strong and remarkable. The construction grid allows you to combine shapes.
Helvetica is chosen for its sobriety, it is an accessible linear which will make reading easier.
Helvetica is chosen for its sobriety, it is an accessible linear which will make reading easier.

The poster system is inspired by the Swiss style of the 1950s, like the posters of Otl Aicher in his work for the Munich Olympics. With an asymmetrical composition, sans serif texts placed on the left and the use of a construction grid. They use shapes/counterforms games which will create optical illusions inspired by Op Art.

The website is designed to inform visitors about the museums participating in the event and their programs, they must be able to find this information quickly. We will therefore find well-constructed pages, with elements that breathe in order to facilitate the user experience.

Once in the program, you access a horizontal scroll with a fluid animation which shows the different participating museums. You can choose to filter the museums by categories (archaeology, printing, contemporary art, etc.) or by location if you want to only look at the museums of Lyon for example, or even type a search directly. Once the museum has been selected, we will be able to access the exhibition information.

As a bonus I continued to experiment with the shape of the star by working on modular typography (which could be used for signage).